2 Ways to Make Delicious and Smooth Yogurt at Home Using Condensed and Fresh Milk
Yogurt is both delicious and suitable for people of all ages because it provides many nutrients, aids digestion, and helps beautify the skin. Let’s check out 2 ways to make authentic yogurt right at home for your family to enjoy!
1. Yogurt
- Prep Time:15 minutes
- Cook Time:6 hours
- Difficulty:Easy
Ingredients for Yogurt Serves 5
Fresh Milk 1 liter Sweetened Condensed Milk 200 grams Yogurt 200 ml(Starter Yogurt)
Ingredient Photo
How to Make Yogurt
1. Combine Condensed and Fresh Milk
Mix 200 grams of sweetened condensed milk with 1 liter of fresh milk. Taste-test for sweetness to suit your family’s preference and heat the mixture on the stovetop to about 40°C (warm to the touch, not hot). Turn off the heat.
2. Prepare the Milk Mixture
Add 200 ml of yogurt to the warm milk mixture and stir until the yogurt is completely dissolved. If you like vanilla flavor, you can add it now.
To make the yogurt smoother after incubation, you can strain the mixture through a sieve. Then pour the mixture into prepared jars.
Note: The jars used to store the yogurt should be rinsed with hot water, cleaned, and thoroughly dried before adding the yogurt. Insufficiently clean jars can kill the bacteria, causing the finished yogurt to become slimy. -
3. Incubate the Yogurt
Incubating yogurt requires maintaining the necessary temperature for the starter culture to work. This requires ensuring the quality of the container used to incubate the yogurt.
Place the yogurt jars in a container, add warm water (about 50°C) to the container until the jars are half submerged, and cover the surface with a warm towel. Cover the container tightly and leave it in a cool place for about 6-8 hours or overnight (if making it in the evening).
For plastic containers, regularly check the water temperature; if it cools down, add more hot water to maintain the necessary warmth for the culture to work. When adding water, do it gently to avoid disturbing the yogurt.
Incubating Yogurt in an Oven: Turn the oven on to 100°C for about 5 minutes to warm it up, then turn it off. Place a rack with the yogurt jars in the oven. Close the oven door and incubate for 6-8 hours or overnight. After about 3 hours, turn the oven on for about 3 minutes and then turn it off.
This method eliminates the need to add hot water and ensures a warm environment necessary for optimal starter culture activity.
4. Refrigerate
After incubating for the required time, and the yogurt has set, refrigerate it.
After incubating, the yogurt will be thick with a smooth surface. If the thickness is correct, when you tilt the jar, the yogurt will retain its shape without flowing or spilling out.
5. Finished Product
You can taste-test the finished yogurt to check if the fermentation level is satisfactory. If it’s not sour enough, you can increase the incubation time or the amount of starter culture next time. Refrigerate the yogurt and consume gradually.
Yogurt will continue to ferment even when refrigerated. Therefore, it’s best to consume it within a short time to ensure the optimal level of sourness for the best taste.
Yogurt can be enjoyed with fruits or blended with ice for a delicious, refreshing, and nutritious treat for the family.
2. Yogurt (Recipe Shared by a User)
- Prep Time:20 minutes
- Cook Time:12 hours
- Difficulty:Easy
Ingredients for Yogurt (Recipe Shared by a User) Serves 4
Yogurt 1 container(100 grams) Unsweetened Fresh Milk 440 ml Sweetened Condensed Milk 1 container Water 550 ml
Ingredient Photo
How to Make Yogurt (Recipe Shared by a User)
1. Prepare Ingredients
Take out the sweetened condensed milk and let it cool for about 10-15 minutes before processing to prevent the yogurt from becoming lumpy.
Then, add 1 container of sweetened condensed milk to a large pot. Next, add 1 container of yogurt to the pot and stir well. Continue adding 440 ml of unsweetened fresh milk to the pot and stir until the mixture is smooth and creamy.
2. Make Yogurt
Boil 550 ml of water. Once boiling, slowly add the water to the yogurt mixture and stir until the mixture is well combined.
Next, strain the mixture through a sieve for a smoother yogurt. Pour the strained yogurt into a pot, cover the pot with a piece of cloth, and cover the lid.
Tip: Using a cloth on top of the pot ensures that steam is absorbed by the cloth and does not condense on the lid and drip into the mixture. -
3. Incubate Yogurt
Place the pot in a dry, airy place, avoid moving it, and incubate for about 12 hours. You can add an extra cloth to wrap around the pot to ensure the best fermentation quality.
4. Finished Product
When finished, the yogurt will be incredibly smooth, creamy, and fragrant, with a perfect balance of sweet and tart. You can enjoy this with fruit or use it in smoothies.
Where to Buy Ingredients?
- You can find fresh milk, yogurt, and sweetened condensed milk at supermarkets, grocery stores, food stores, or reputable e-commerce websites.
- Alternatively, you can purchase products at a Bách hóa XANH supermarket near you, or more conveniently, shop online at bachhoaxanh.com.
- To ensure quality, you can make your own sweetened condensed milk at home following instructions from Điện máy XANH.
How to Store Homemade Yogurt
- Once made, store yogurt in the freezer for 5-7 days.
- If you prefer smoother yogurt, store it in the refrigerator; however, the shelf life will be shorter, only 3-5 days.
With the detailed instructions for these two methods shared by Điện máy XANH, you can easily make this delicious, nutritious, and affordable dish. Take some time to cook a delicious meal for your family to enjoy!
Đỗ Thị Thuý(ʚɞKristineʚɞ)